Financial Policy

Our chambers: with the scope of 5174 numbered Law, the revenues received from its members will be used to fulfill the establishment purposes. Members of financial resources; Meeting expectations and needs, working with production and employment focus, and increasing the entrepreneurial spirit and using it for business development.


Human Resource Policy

In order to ensure member satisfaction, To provide self-improvement through continuous education, to follow a clear and clear management policy, to take into consideration suggestions and expectations and to contribute to a management based on performance and rewarding.


Communication And Publish Policy

In all activities we perform in line with the expectations and needs of our members, we will use all kinds of media and communication in reaching information and data.


Information and Communication Technology Policy

Malkara Chamber of Commerce and Industry Information and Communication Technologies Our Policy:

  • By following technology closely and using advanced, convenient, safe and reasonably appropriate technologies,
  • To use appropriate and fast and functional information systems to member requests
  • To communicate the information and data that you have created with the appropriate communication technology tools and to provide necessary security in this environment
  • Together with technology solution, take precaution against possible risk

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