Malkara Chamber of Commerce and Industry, went into service on the 1st of July 1967 under the name “Malkara Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası” through the joint efforts of businessmen from Malkara with the aim of facilitating the operations of its members, meeting their common needs, encouraging professional growth for common benefits, establishing trust and honesty in the relations of its members with each other and with the public. and protecting professional discipline, ethics and solidarity.


To carry out works and studies to help with the development of the district, province and the country, together with its members and staff, by constantly improving its quality of service.


Trying to give our members fast and quality service in order to help them improve their businesses, with the awareness of the duties and responsibilities given to us by laws.


AGRICULTURE: The agricultural output in the Malkara region is much higher than the average in Turkey, thus agriculture and farming play a substantial role in the economy. The district displays the characteristics of a typical agricultural town. It has 76,400 hectares of arable land. All kinds of crops are grown in the region, with notable amounts of wheat and sunflowers leading the list. The annual wheat production is around 150,000 tons while that of sunflowers is 60,000 tons. However, of the whole arable land only a 3,000-hectare part is irrigated. The district of Malkara is Turkey’s sunflower garden. Half of all the sunflowers produced in Turkey come from this region. The main crops grown around the district include wheat, barley, oats, maize, sunflower, sugar beet rapeseed and onion. There is also vegetable production to match in size. Vegetables grown in Malkara include pumpkin, peas, broad beans, common purslane, green onion and garlic.

ANIMAL HUSBANDRY: Animal husbandry is widely practised in thedistrict of Malkara. The district has an important livestock breeding potential. It has surpassed agriculture and helped to increase the income of the population in this trade. Aside from dairy production, meat production has seen a substantial increase. The number of sheep and goats has diminished as the number of cattle has increased. Poultry husbandry is no less important in the region. Husbandry makes up more than half of the total agricultural production. The average in Turkey is 25%. Animal husbandry is as important an income source as agriculture itself. Currently there are around 60,000 cattle and 40,000 sheep and goats. The annual milk production is 100,000 tons. This milk is processed in the local production facilities. Apart from this, there is also stock breeding and cattle trading. Approximately 1200 tons of meat is produced annually.

MINERALS: The most valuable mineral extracted in Malkara is brown coal. Half of the area of the district has been licensed for coal mining and 38 coal mining businesses of various capacities pursue their operations. The district of Malkara is rich in precious metals. There are large brown coal and manganese reserves in the area. Annual brown coal production capacity is approximately 250,000 tons. 

INDUSTRY: The organized industrial zone of the district was founded with the aim of providing the town with the industrial facilities to help create an industrial sector in addition to its already established agricultural economy and thereby giving it the opportunity to catch up with the modern world. The main industry plants include dairy production and milk processing facilities, sunflower oil plants, flour mills, brown coal mines, a cement factory, furniture factories, feed mills, textile factories, agricultural equipment production facilities, irrigation equipment production facilities, construction materials production facilities, spare part production plants, ventilation equipment production plants, membrane production plants, and packaging facilities. There are 14 firms currently in operation in the organized industrial zone. There are 29 others that are about to go into production. Dairy production, agricultural equipment production and sunflower oil production follow the developments. There are six dairy production plants, and three smaller sized dairies., Fifteen different sorts of cheese, butter, etc. are produced in the district. Currently 552 people are employed in the organized industrial zone. Once all the plants start to work in full capacity, this number is expected to reach at least 2000. The production facilities focus mainly on dairy products and agricultural machinery.

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