Malkara is located between 40.54 northern latitudes and 26.52 east longitudes in the world. With a surface area of ​​1,225 km², Tekirdağ province has the largest land area.
There are high mountains, valleys in the district. In general, it is a plateau showing semi-oval characteristics of eroded hills. Tekir Mountain Tekir Mountains, which is the most important mountain of our province, is 25 km away from Malkara. These mountains, in the southern part of the province of Içemiz, Tekirdağ-Gelibolu direction. Our district is ends near Çimendere Mahallesi. Mount Ganos is the most important peak of the Tekir mountain range. (845 km)
The most important elevations within the boundaries of the county are; Bird Tuney (647m.) Peak between Elmalı-Karacahalil, Panayir Tepe (664m) between Çimendere-Elmalı and Kartidepe, Yenidibek-Keşan can be shown.

The surface forms of Malkara have no reason to have large streams. There are rivers feeding dams and ponds. Karacahalil-eyeless streams, Tea stream passing through Rasht, Uzun ere passing through turnip, Köprüdere passing through Müstecep-Aksakal, Curculu stream passing through Kurdulla, Pakça stream between Batkin-Kiremitlik, Kayak stream passing through Müstecep-Sırtbet, Şaşan passing through Deliller-Ballı Dere, Koca Dere passing through the southern part of Balogaçan, Main Dere passing through Deveci-Kadıköy, Ezberli Dere passing through Karacahalil-Elmalı,
The Seker Dere passing through Sarıpolat, and the Değirmen Creek between Yenidibek and Teteköy are the important ones among them.

The main plains in the province are; Evrenbey, Kırıkali, Hacısungur, Gözsüz, Karacahalil, Kalaycı, Sağlamtaş, İbribey plains. These are not too wide but they are the important flats of the plains. There are no natural lakes within the boundaries of the county. There are artificial dams and ponds.

Karaidemir and Kadiköy dams are the most important artificial dams.

In addition, Yaylagüre, Vakifidemir, Yenidibek (Pisman), Doluköy, Küçükhıdır, Karacagür ponds were constructed for irrigation purposes. With this dam and ponds, the irrigable land amount of the village was raised to 28,360.

Geological Structure

It is seen that the geological development of the Thracian basin started from the Middle Eocene, and that there was more than 5,000 m of sedimentary cover over which it continued to the Quaternary without interruption. Malkara formation belongs to Miocene devrine. The Malkara formation is composed of sandstone and cocoon granular, mostly gray sand and sandy material with interstitial layers with dirty sand. This formation is frequently encountered in lignite deposits. The thickness of the formation is sometimes 500 m, sometimes 700 m. The depositional environment of the formation is generally terrestrial and sometimes marine.
In terms of groundwater, poor aquifer conditions exist in the absence of layers. Low-quality, deeper saline water is visible in the near-surface bale. In general, except for the parts exposed to severe tectonic movements
WSW-ENE oriented fold structure is seen. Due to the lack of horizontal continuity in coal reserves, there are local (small) operating possibilities. This situation makes the estimation of reserves difficult. The region is of secondary importance in terms of Turkey's coal demand. In Malkara, the lignite vein (Oligocene) is aged and the average operating thickness is 1-1,5 m. It is around.


As the large dirt part of the lands that the county possesses is suitable for cultivation, there is not much space to determine the characteristic vegetation cover. However, it still has a rich variety of plant species. Among the woody plant species are red pine, larch, oak, hornbeam, elm, willow, ski, linden, walnut, chestnut and hazelnut. The district is not very rich in terms of vegetation because the amount of annual rainfall is low and the relative humidity of the air is low. The afforestation efforts in the degraded forest areas are continuing rapidly.
From the herbaceous plants, varieties of grasses, trilobes, pseudo-vetch, wild pods, canyons, ivy and wild cereals are seen.

General Climate Situation

Trakya region, where Malkara is located, is located in the transition zone of Mediterranean and Black Sea climates. This is a big climax. Semi-continental climate prevails in the region. Cold and rainy waters coming from the balkans during the winter months are effective in the region. When the time passes in winter, dry and freezing cold. Summers are also usually hot and dry. Spring and fall are rainy.

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